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Homemade Cashew Butter🥜🧈

Cashew Butter is my favorite 😍

It's like an upgraded version of peanut butter.

When I found out how easy it was to make homemade nut butter and not to mention the health benefits, I stopped buying store bought nut butters.

*You can use any types of nuts or seeds for this recipe*

Did you know, according to the FDA, peanut butter can have 30 or more insect fragments per 100 grams! 😬
That's just nasty, I'll take my nut butters without the bugs. 🚫🐜

Let's get our ingredients together first;

  • Nuts or Seeds - 2 cups

  • Oil (I like walnut oil) - 1 Tbps or so

  • Agave - 1 Tbps or so (optional)

  • Whole Pitted Dates - 1 or 2 (optional)

A food processor is best to use for this however, you can use a blender

Add about 2 cups of nuts to your processor.

*if you want to use dates, add them now*

These are cashews.

Blend on high for about 5-7 minutes. ⏲

Have faith, it will start to come together. 🙏🏽

Just keep blending

Now add your oil and agave.

Blend some more for about 5-7 minutes. ⏲

It's starting to look a lot like Yumminess!




I got fancy with it 😏

Green apples🍏 pair so well with nut butter


Topped it with some granola pieces and hemp seeds 👌🏽👍🏽

I saved some whole nuts to the side and made a "crunchy" cashew butter.

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